There are two more Climate Conversations happening in Wellingborough. Join in on Friday 25th November 2022 at the Victoria Centre, 10am to 12 noon, and at Glamis Hall on the 1st December, 7pm to 9pm.
Residents, businesses, faith, community groups, and schools are invited to attend and help us better understand the challenges and impacts of Climate Change, and what we can all do in response. We will be reflecting on the Climate Conversations we held in the spring and sharing some of the content from our 11 workshops held this summer.
Join us for two more Climate Conversations.
This will be second series of Climate Conversations from Wellingborough Climate Action Project (WCAP) who have come together to offer three Climate Conversations across the town. WCAP is hosted by Glamis Hall for All and supported by Wellingborough Eco Group and other community organisations.
Do join us, to book please fill in the form: