Climate Action West Northants are hosting a talk at 8pm tonight about food production systems, that looks at how things work now and how they might be done differently in a low carbon future.
This talk is delivered by Rupert Knowles and Lana Mo, who both have a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in food production at all stages of the process.

Rupert Knowles has spent a lifetime in farming; he inherited a family fruit farm, has served on local and national NFU committees, and worked all over the world as, among other things, an agricultural trainer, a pesticide and fertiliser adviser, chair of an apple-growers’ cooperative, an irrigation consultant and an adviser and developer of soft fruit production under glass and tunnels. He is passionate about farming, food and forestry.
Lana has an MSc in horticulture from China and an MBA from Cranfield University. In Afghanistan, Lana worked for an NGO in a horticulture value chain project for women. After graduating from Cranfield, Lana joined Blue Skies, a UK company based in Northampton with factories in Ghana, Benin, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil and Corby, producing fresh-cut fruit salads to supply retailers in UK and Europe. Lana’s work focuses on developing and executing strategic projects. Lana’s interest lies in agribusiness.
Join in at From Farm to Fork – is there a better way? Tickets, Wed 13 Jul 2022 at 20:00 | Eventbrite