There is a Climate Conversation this Friday (11th March) at the Victoria Centre. It starts at 10am, the doors will be open from 9:30 for registration, why not jump the queue and pre register below.
Wellingborough Town Council and Wellingborough Climate Action Project (WCAP) who have come together to offer three Climate Conversations across the town. At Climate Conversations in Glamis Hall on Saturday (5th March) 20 delegates gave their points of view during an interaction from WCAP. The event included presentations from North Northamptonshire Council, Electric Corby and Wellingborough Eco Group.

There’s a busy agenda, with guest speakers and vox pops from local people to get the conversation going. Join us, join in, it’s your town and your environment. Tell us and Wellingborough Town Council what you think. The event is a great opportunity for local residents to find out more about climate change and to share views and experiences. Join us on Friday or on Wednesday at Hemmingwell Skills Centre. Here are the details:
- Friday 11th March 2022 – Victoria Centre, Palk Rd, Wellingborough NN8 1HR, – 10 am to 12 noon
- Wednesday 16th March 2022 – Hemmingwell Skills Centre, 127 Nest Farm Crescent, Wellingborough NN8 4TU – 7pm to 9pm
We are live streaming Friday’s event for those that cannot attend will be available to see these Climate Conversations on this website. WCAP is hosted by Glamis Hall for All, paid for by North Northamptonshire Council and supported by Wellingborough Eco Group and other community organisations.
Do join us, to pre-register please fill in the form below. If you would like further information please email.